Finnish hunters have been authorised to kill nearly 20% of the country’s wolf population in a controversial trial cull that begins this weekend, aimed at managing stocks.

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    Authorities hope the sanctioned hunt of nearly 50 of the country’s estimated 250 grey wolves will curb illegal poaching, which some rural landowners have resorted to in recent years after seeing wolves on their property, sometimes killing their dogs and livestock. 

    To protect the animal, no culls were authorised between 2007 and 2015, after the European commission accused Finland of breaching EU protection rules on the endangered species, resulting in widespread poaching in Finland.

    The first trial cull was held in 2015 with 24 permits, and 17 wolves were killed. In 2015, the number of permits has been nearly doubled to 46, causing an uproar among protectionists. 

    votre commentaire

     This is now the end of my Finnish adventure and the end of my blog. I spent really good time in Finland and I am aware of the luck that I had! I already really want to leave towards new horizons

    But for the moment, it is time to go home glasses


    The end

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